Monday, September 7, 2015

One Year Thoughts

As of this month, I have officially completed one year in Fiji!  With the passing of mine and Fiji's anniversary, and the arrival of a new group of Fiji Peace Corps Volunteers, I have been feeling especially nostalgic and thoughtful about my time here.  I can still remember exactly how i felt that first night I got dropped off at my host family's house... terrified and excited.  It was hands down the furthest I had ever pushed myself out of my comfort zone.  
I sat there in a room full of people I didn't know, listening to them speak a language I didn't understand, while looking down at a feast of food I didn't recognize.  As I took my first bucket bath that night I remember thinking 'What on earth did I get myself into?'
People always ask me if the time has gone by fast or slow, and the answer is yes.  In some ways this last year has gone by so fast, I feel like it was just yesterday that my host sister and I were cooking dinner in our tiny kitchen with my host nephew yelling 'Na!' (mom) for me.  But when I think about college and being home in San Diego, that feels like an entire life ago.

I feel extremely lucky to have been able to call Fiji home for the last year.  It is truly one of the most beautiful places in the world.  From lush rainforest, to white sand beach, to spectacular coral reefs every place I go in Fiji is more and more spectacular.  As beautiful as the vanua (land) is, what brings Fiji to life is the people.  In the past year I have met some of the most generous, welcoming, and kind-hearted people I've ever known.  Another PCV once said to me that Fijians are a people who will "share their nothing" and I've never heard a better way to describe them.  No matter how poor, or how little a family has, they are always willing to share it.  After doing countless health talks, visits, and demonstrations, and working in the health centre long enough that I am frequently called nasi (nurse) or vuniwai (doctor) I thought I might be sick of it by now, but I can't wait to continue serving this country for another year.  

I know all of this makes it sound like sunshine and rainbows all the time, which is of course not hte case.  Before I departed for Fji, I remember talking a Returned PCV in my hometown who said to me "during the Peace Corps you will have some of the absolute worst days of your entire life, but you will also have some of the absolute best days of your entire life."  I remember thinking at the time that that seemed like a pretty good trade off, and a year later I can tell that she was absolutely right.  Peace Corps has been an unbelievable roller coaster with continuous high sand lows.  Yes, there have been days where I am lonely, I miss home and my family, and I would rather be anywhere but in Dreketi.  But it's worth it because on the other side, a good in Fiji puts me in a state of bliss that I never knew before I started this adventure.  The reason for that is partly because Fiji is a magical place by itself, but also because Fiji has changed me.  I am a very different person than I was 12 months ago.  For example, I'm more comfortable sitting on the floor than on a couch, I can open a coconut with a machete, I eat with my hands, I can converse in 2 new languages, and I drink 'taki' style.  The biggest change is that Fiji taught me to have a confidence that I never used to have, and for that I will always be grateful to this country and the Peace Corps.

Okay, enough sappy thoughts for now!  Enjoy some pictures!

A throwback to my village, been missin' Vanuadina so much these past few days.

When your van gets stuck in Fiji, there are always strangers ready to help push you out

oku vale! (my compound)

Midnight boat rides on the river

The Dreketi kindergarten came to the Health Centre a couple weeks ago, during national pre-school week.  I gave them a tour and we did a hand-washing activity.  Used glitter to help the kids understand how germs spread!

Nurse showing the kindergarteners how we take blood pressure

An exhausting number of 5 yr olds... National Preschool Week!

These are some older pictures from Taveuni, but just got them so I figured I'd post!


1 comment:

  1. Love reading your Blogs. Sounds pretty exciting. Am proud of what you are doing.
    Aunt Jayne
